Friday, June 23, 2006

Mt. Ralston

After spending the last few weeks in England and again becoming enchanted by the English countryside, it was nice this last weekend to get out into the California countryside and do some hiking in the Sierra Nevadas. While back in England, I had made several trips through the Peak District (a National Park near my home in England) and had once again become struck by the beauty of it all. Now, back in the US and in the middle of the mighty Sierras, I realize how wonderful that is too. Its different, of course, everything is on a much grander scale here, big dramatic mountains, not the more subtle hills of England.

Anyway four of us went up Mt Ralston on Saturday, one of the smaller and more accessible peaks on south east side of Tahoe. It was a bit of a slog up the 2,600 ft of elevation gain but it was well worth it when we reached the top – great views of the Tahoe Basin, the Central Valley and the high Sierras to the south.

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