Monday, September 04, 2006

Chalk It Up

Labour Day Weekend is the annual Chalk It Up Festival in Sacramento where the sidewalks of a downtown square are adorned with pavement drawings. The event is a fund raiser for childrens's art education and the funds being raised by renting a square of pavement for your drawing.

The quality of drawings is all across the board from the most primitive to works of excellent quality.

This one was the most technically accomplished. The skin tones were quite wonderful.

President Allende was being remembered - apparently 9/11 was the date of his death.

Another interesting subject with the pencils jumping out of the pavement.

Many local vendors had works on show like this one from Noah's Bagels. What I couldn't understand was the one from a local tattoo parlour that was just not very good at all. If they can't get the artwork right in chalk on the sidewalk, then why would anyone want to let them dabble in permanent ink on their skin.

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