Monday, July 09, 2007


To recover from the excesses of the prior day’s wedding, Colin, Mel and I went for a short hike on Saturday. We walked around something called the Haystacks – a group of small peaks above Buttermere that apparently looked like hay stacks to someone. I am not sure that I quite share the recognition. The 5 mile loop is a popular hike since it was apparently one of the favorite walks of the grandfather of English hill walking Alfred Wainright. He liked it so much that he had his ashes scattered at the top.

When I walk in the UK, which is not often, I am always impressed by the way everyone is so well equipped for adverse conditions – sturdy boots, heavy duty waterproof jackets and leggings. No one is put off by bad weather over there. A bit of a contrast to hiking in the Sierras where if it’s bad weather we just don’t go and sunglasses, sun screen, and abundant water are the vital equipment.


Looking down on Buttermere from near the top of Haystacks

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