Sunday, May 04, 2008

Bee Progress

We have gone from famine to feast on the bee front lately. As I already mentioned, I inherited a swarm of bees in one of my empty hives. Furthermore, I had already purchased two packages of bees (a package is a queen plus 2 lbs of bees in a box – all ready for installation in a hive). Well, the packages were delivered last weekend and I installed them in two more hives. So now I have 3 hives of bees in the backyard – that’s a lot of activity, and it might even be illegal (I think you are only allowed 2 hives in the city of Sacramento – but who’s counting).

With all the nice weather this last week and plenty of flowers in the local gardens all is well with the bees and it was a veritable hive of activity in the backyard. They are all surprisingly mild mannered too. So far no aggressive behavior and no stings.

To cap the week off, I went to a bee keeping class last weekend. Dr Eric Mussen from U.C. Davis gave a one day class on Intermediate Beekeeping on Saturday. It was quite the information packed day, he covered a lot of ground and I certainly learned a lot. I only wish I liked honey more - that would make it the perfect hobby.

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