This last week I saw a couple of very nice films. The first one was
The World’s Fastest Indian (as in Indian the motorcycle). I read a review and it said that it was a must see for anyone who has been saying they are “too old for this sort of thing anymore” and, I must admit, I have been saying just that lately. So this sounded like the film for me.
I thought it was wonderful, a great story, even a true story, a great piece of acting by Anthony Hopkins, and it even had motorbikes in it! What more could you ask for? And yes, for those of us saying we are too old for this sort of thing, it is an inspirational movie and you know the answer, we are never too old.
The other movie I saw was
Grizzly Man. I missed it at the theatre so I watched it on DVD. I had heard the story line of this movie and it hadn’t really interested me so much, but what a great piece of film-making it was, both by the subject of the documentary,
Tim Treadwell (who shot some great scenes of bears in the wild), and by the director
Werner Herzog (who put the whole thing together). Tim Treadwell was the man who lived with the Grizzly Bears in Alaska. He was quite nuts I am sure, and he inevitably got what was coming to him, in that he got eaten by the bears, but the amazing thing was that he survived for 13 years in that extremely risky position before succumbing and in the process he captured some very good video records.
One of the bonus things about the DVD is that there is a added film about the making of the soundtrack to the main film. The main person involved in that effort was
Richard Thompson (of whom I have a great deal of respect and admiration). So anyone who is a Richard Thompson fan, get the DVD and watch the soundtrack movie. For me it was as interesting as the movie itself.
Its a shame that none of these films got any nominations for the upcoming Oscars this year.