Sunday, March 12, 2006

Way Too Cool

Saturday was the Way Too Cool 50K – the run I have been training for all this year. The weather forecast was quite foreboding, with possible snow in the area, and a sever storm warning. Thankfully the weather people got it wrong, very wrong, and it turned into quite a nice day – cool, but dry and even some sun at the end of the day. There was a lot of water from the storms earlier in the week, so all the stream crossings were in full flow and for most of the course we were slopping through mud – all good fun!

I finished in just under 7 hrs and that felt like quite long enough to be on your feet – I was pretty tired. There were some dark times for me in the middle of the course when I bonked pretty bad coming up the infamous “Ball Bearing Hill”. I did a lot of walking after that, and a lot of evaluation of why I was doing this silly thing. But by mile 25 things picked up and I sort of enjoyed the finish.

So what’s next? During the middle of the run, I had vowed never ever to do a long trail run, but now I am thinking - I am somewhat trained now so why not keep going .That means the American River 50 Miler next month – now there is something really foolish.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you serious, 50 miles you must be joking.
Well done for finishing the 50k, I am impressed..... I don't know what "bonked" means in the US, but if its the same as in the UK, I'm even more impressed.
P.S. Moving day now 9th of April.