Tuesday, March 14, 2006


It was pointed out to me that I should be more careful with my language. When I stated earlier this week that I “bonked” during my weekend run, I was using the term in its American sense, which as everyone knows is to become exhausted while exercising due to the depletion of glycogen.

I was not using it in its more proper English sense, which according to the American’s Guide to Speaking British is "Bonk - Same meaning as shag. Means to have sex. E.g. 'Did you bonk him/her?'."

However, I was similarly surprised and amused at the sponsored link that popped up when I Googled the term “bonking”.

Now you all know where you can get it – just go to eBay.


Anonymous said...

Really? I thought that the popular term for the more fun of the two activities/conditions was "boinking." Even Garry Trudeau is familiar with the term; he included it in a Doonesbury strip when he referred to the early times at Walden College as a "boink fest." And since it's in Doonesbury, it certainly qualifies for a little spot in American popular culture. I'm familiar with the term, "bonk," as you intended it...hitting a metaphorical wall during a long-distance run, and I'm not a runner.

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