Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Things are looking a bit brighter...

After 7 years of voting in the US elections, finally last night's election was one where I could feel pleased about the outcome. Of course my first US election was the Bush v Gore debacle of 2000 so that took a little bit of getting over, but last night it looks like the tide has started to swing the other way. Hopefully it will be a slow progressive swing that doesn't turn around too soon.

I read a post somewhere from a Brit commenting on the aftermath of yesterday's election stating that "the average American has no idea how hated the US has become since President Bush came to power". I agree entirely - as a nation there is not much love lost for us these days. All those sympathies and good will generated towards us after 9/11 have been squandered by Mr Bush's actions in these last few years. Hopefully we may be able to move towards repairing the damage done, but that will be a long slow road.

By the way, any of you fellow Brits who want to know how a real democracy works (or doesn't) check out the California Voter Information Guide - some 192 pages of information. Voting in this country is hard work and we get to vote on just about everything especially here in California.

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