Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Hiking the "W"

The purpose of my trip was to hike the so-called "W" around the base of the Torres del Paine. The "W" is a trail that takes its name from its outline on the map and it takes about 4 days to complete. The folks with more time and energy hike the entire Paine Circuit which is more like a 10 day trip and it goes all the way around the Torres.

The nice thing about the "W" is that you can stay each night in a Refugio (Hostel) where there is a bunk, food, hot showers and, the other essential component, a plentiful supply of Pisco Sours. On the Paine Circuit you have to resort to tents for accomodation and a more austere lifestyle.

There were lots of great experiences and sights during this part trip -
- the aquamarine blue of the glacial lakes.
- the vibrant red of the firebush which was in blossom everywhere.
- the Andean Condors. Magnificent birds and relatively common in this area.
- the many different shades of blue of the Grey Glacier which we got to see up close on our boat trip.
- the power and noise of the avalanches cascading, at a safe distance, down the opposite side of the French Valley.
- and of course the Torres themselves which were different from each perspective but always impressive even when shrouded in cloud or mist.

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