Alright so I know this is getting a bit tedious, more mountain hiking, more pretty flowers. But this is the last, I promise. My hiking buddies are going on a long backpack trip next weekend and after that the flowers will all be over. And also there is another purpose to all this flower identification thing – I need some reference so that next year when I hike again and I see these flowers I will know what they all are (the memory is not what it used to be, and it wasn’t all that good at its best). So for the sake of my memory and perhaps someone’s enjoyment, here we are on the road to Wright’ Lake in the Desolation Wilderness.

Brian, Allison, Mike and myself.

Tiger Lilly - quite a wonderful thing to behold.

I am not sure what the proper name for this one is, but it's smell gives it the knickname - Smelly Socks - pretty nasty smelly socks too.

This is fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium) which takes its name not from its color, but from its opportunistic ability to quickly colonize areas devastated by fire. In England it is called the Rosebay Willow Herb or when I was a lad we called them "tip" flowers, because, in the same opportunistic way, they were one of the few things that colonized the coal tips around the area.
Alright - no more flowers.
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