Monday, July 07, 2008

Checking on the bees

In the continuing saga of the bees - all is going well this year. As I previously mentioned, I now have three hives, way more than I need, and unlike the previous couple of years, they seem to be thriving.

So this week it was time to check on them and see about putting another box on top of the new hives. The way it works is that you need a couple of boxes for the hive to raise their brood in and to maintain adequate food supplies to last them through the winter and then you can add a third of fourth box (honey supers as they are called) which the bees fill with honey that is what you harves at the end of the nectar flow (around September in these parts).

So I suited up and opened up the hives to investigate. All was indeed well, and the boxes were almost full - so it was just the time to add the honey supers.

What is more, I now have a new toy - a Flip Mino - which is a small, cheap and ultra simple video recorder, so I was able to record my escapades for posterity (see below). I am quite impressed with the Flip Video camera - nothing of any high quality but very very simple indeed and ideal for internet posts. I thought it would be a good camera to run with and document some of our runs - we will see how that works.

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