Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Cingular Wireless Woes

Not that I have too much to complain about, but one thing in my life that is annoying me lately is the poor treatment and poor service from my cell phone carrier, Cingular Wireless. Its not that I was quite happy with my old service with ATT; its not that Cingular bought out ATT Wireless; its not that I was thoughtless enough to get my old phone wet; its not that Cingular would not sell any new phones for the old ATT network thereby forcing me to buy a new phone for their network; its not that I had 14 months to run on my old ATT account and Cingular would only sell me a new 2 year contract; its not that the new service appears to be poorer voice quality; its mainly the fact that the new phone I purchased does not have the ability to save a telephone credit card. So whereas with my old phone, I could call England with about 2 button presses, now I have to resort to dialing an Access Number, an Account Number, a PIN number, the UK country code, and finally the UK telephone number. Could this be Cingular removing this functionality so that people would be more likely to use their more expensive service?

Anyway, that’s how miserable my life is right now. Cell phone calls to the UK are requiring too many key presses.

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