Wednesday, August 24, 2005

An Archaeological Dig in Staveley

The old hall in Staveley (my home town) is hosting an archaeological dig in its grounds. The hall has been around for a long time – an early incarnation of the structure is mentioned in the Doomsday Book of 1066. It has undergone various construction periods over the years, perhaps reaching its prime in the Civil War period (1600’s).

At this dig, they have two or three proper archaeologists and the rest is volunteer help. Anyone can show up and after a bit of orientation can work away with a shovel or trowel to unearth the treasures of Staveley’s past. There have not been a lot of discoveries so far – some pottery and glass fragments, animal teeth and bones from the old kitchen and some old pathways, but who knows what secrets lie hidden there...

It is nice to see the community getting involved in discovering Staveley’s past. In my time growing up there, most of us couldn’t wait to get out. We weren’t interested in the unearthing the past.

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